What to do if the at-fault driver lied to insurance

at-fault driver lied to insurance

When the at-fault driver lies or fails to tell the whole story to the insurance company after a car accident, you may not receive the compensation owed to you. The insurance company will initially believe what the other driver told them. They will then use that information to make decisions about a claim. If the […]

Drunk Driving Accidents

How to Avoid Them and What to Do If the Worst Happens A University of Florida agriculture student stopped at a red light was suddenly rear-ended. The other driver fled the scene. Shortly after, the driver was apprehended and found to be under the influence of alcohol. The UF student suffered two herniated discs. He […]

Uninsured Motorist Coverage – Why You Need It.

uninsured motorist coverage

Choosing insurance coverage is probably one of the most undesirable tasks out there. Paying every month for the “just in case” isn’t where we really want to spend our money; and oftentimes we choose the least amount of coverage without understanding what it all means. Uninsured Motorist (UM) or Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage are two […]

Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness

Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month is an effort to prevent impaired driving. Unfortunately, impaired driving spikes during the holidays, so it’s no wonder that December was the chosen month to bring awareness to this issue. There were as many as 5,125 alcohol related accidents in Florida, in 2017. Over 350 of those included fatalities. […]

Ask An Attorney: How Do I Know If I Have A Good Case?

When a client approaches us with the question of whether they have a good case, we must define what it means for a case to be “good.” From our legal perspective, a good case is one in which we have a good chance of making a fair and reasonable financial recovery for our client under […]